Drug Crime
Minnesota drug laws pertain to different types of drug crimes, beyond that of just the possession of illegal substances. Because of this, the manner in which a drug crime will be handled in court depends greatly on the varying details of each individual case. If you have been arrested for a drug crime, contact our firm today to speak with a Minnesota drug crime lawyer about your case.
Our firm represents all types of drug crimes, including trafficking, drug manufacturing, state, and federal drug crimes.
Drug crimes can be misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor or felony-level offenses depending on things such as: exactly what type of drug was in question, the weight/amount of the drug, the intentions of the offender, whether the accused has a prior record and, how many offenses the accused committed during a certain time period.
Prosecution for a felony, state, or federal crime is more likely if the case involves any type of trafficking, especially over state lines, or the manufacturing or possession of large amounts (e.g. kilos) of drugs. Being affiliated with drug dealing gangs or drug cartels will also not help an offender’s case.
The related crime of purchasing or receiving drugs is also unlawful, though it will likely be a misdemeanor crime.
Attorneys at Halberg Defense have been handling all levels of drug crimes successfully for many years. Even if you are guilty of a drug crime and there is enough evidence to prove it, an experienced lawyer from our firm may be able to keep you from having many or most consequences, including a blemished record.
Contact our firm today to speak with a Minnesota criminal lawyer about your case.